A shave biopsy is a medical procedure used to obtain a sample of skin tissue for examination and diagnosis. It is commonly performed by dermatologists or other specialized healthcare professionals. During a shave biopsy, the area of concern, such as a mole or skin lesion, is numbed with a local anesthetic. Then, a thin layer of skin is carefully removed using a scalpel, razor blade, or similar instrument. The procedure is relatively quick and usually does not require stitches. Once the sample is obtained, it is sent to a laboratory for analysis under a microscope to determine if there are any abnormal cells or signs of disease. Shave biopsies are often used to diagnose skin conditions such as skin cancer, precancerous lesions, or other dermatological abnormalities. They offer a minimally invasive way to obtain diagnostic information while leaving a small, superficial wound that typically heals well with minimal scarring.