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  • Acanthosis Nigricans

    Acanthosis Nigricans

    Acanthosis nigricans presents as a darkening and velvety thickening of the skin, most commonly affecting the neck, armpits, and groin region. It is most commonly associated with obesity and insulin resistance; people who have acanthosis nigricans are more likely to develop diabetes. In very rare instances, it can be associated with an internal cancer such as stomach cancer.

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  • Acne


    Acne is a common skin condition caused by the blockage of hair follicles by sebum (oil), dead skin cells, and bacteria. The blocked pores lead to whiteheads, blackheads, inflammatory papules or nodules (red, tender bumps), pustules (pus-filled bumps), and even cysts. Acne breakouts can occur at any age but are most common during the teenage years. Hormonal changes, certain medications, and the use of oily or greasy products are some factors that can contribute to breakouts. Acne breakouts most typically occur on the face, chest, back, and shoulders.

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  • Acne Keloidalis Nuchae

    Acne Keloidalis Nuchae

    Acne keloidalis nuchae is a chronic inflammatory condition which affects mainly Black men. Affected individuals develop pink to flesh colored, dome shaped papules and pustules around the hair follicles on the posterior scalp and neck. These firm, scar-like bumps can gradually enlarge and coalesce to form larger lesions. The condition leads to scarring and hair loss in the affected areas. The cause of the condition is unknown.

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  • Actinic Keratoses

    Actinic Keratoses

    Actinic keratoses are precancerous growths on the skin caused by long term exposure to ultraviolet radiation, usually in the form of sunlight or tanning beds. They frequently appear on sun exposure areas such as the scalp, face, back of the hands, and forearms, and are characterized by rough, dry lesions or patches that are easier to feel than to see.

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  • Alopecia Areata

    Alopecia Areata

    Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition where the body’s own immune system targets and shuts off hair production in the hair follicles, leading to characteristic circular, coin shaped patches of hair loss. The hair loss can affect any hair bearing areas of the body including the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, and beard region. The degree and severity of the condition can vary greatly.

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  • Atopic Dermatitis

    Atopic Dermatitis

    Atopic dermatitis is the most common form of eczema. It is a chronic, recurring rash characterized by dry, inflamed skin, and intense itching. Children are most commonly affected, but the condition can occur at any age. In infants, the rash most typically involves the cheeks. In young children, the creases of the elbows and the creases behind the knees are common areas of involvement. It is often associated with dry skin and a personal or family history of asthma and seasonal allergies.

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  • Basal Cell Carcinoma

    Basal Cell Carcinoma

    Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer and the most frequently occurring form of all cancers. It typically occurs on sun-exposed areas such as the scalp, face, nose, ears, neck, chest, shoulders, or back. It can present as a non-healing sore, a shiny or pearly bump, or even a pink, scaly growth. When detected early, most basal cell carcinomas can be easily treated and cured.

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  • Boil/Furuncle


    A boil, also known as a furuncle, is a painful, pus-filled bump that results from a bacterial infection of the hair follicle. It is a common skin infection, typically caused by a bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus. The infection usually starts as a tender, pinkish-red, bump which fills with pus- becoming larger and more painful. The boil can rupture and subsequently drain.

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  • Bullous Pemphigoid

    Bullous Pemphigoid

    Bullous pemphigoid is an autoimmune skin condition. Affected individuals complain of significant itching and can develop an eczema-like rash, a hive-like rash, or large, fluid-filled blisters on the skin. Common areas of involvement include the groin, axillae (armpits), trunk, thighs, and forearms. The skin condition may be localized to a small area or widespread on the body throughout. The condition typically affects older individuals over the age of 60. In some cases, the condition can be triggered by certain medications.

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  • Candidiasis


    Candidiasis is an infection caused by the yeast Candida. Candida skin infections (cutaneous candidiasis) can occur at any site, but tends to favor warm, damp environments such as the skin folds and the groin region. Candida infections can also occur in the mouth (oral thrush) and in or around the nails (paronychia or onychomycosis).

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Contact Us Locations & Directions

  • Whiting Location

    401 Lacey Rd, UNIT C
    Manchester Township, NJ 08759, US

  • Lewes Location

    34434 King Street Row, Ste 4
    Lewes, DE 19958, US

  • Brick Location

    101 Prosper way Unit #4
    Brick, NJ 08723, US

  • East Brunswick Location

    555 NJ-18
    East Brunswick, NJ 08816, US

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