The LightPod Neo is the safest and gentlest aesthetic laser available due to its unique 650-microsecond laser technology, which delivers energy to the skin 30-50 times faster than other lasers. This allows patients of all skin types to receive pain-free treatment without the use of messy cooling gels or anesthetics; solely using a beam of light to touch the skin. We employ this laser to offer our customers the highest standards in treatment comfort, safety and efficacy. The LightPod Neo is FDA cleared.
LightPod Neo Treatments
The LightPod Neo offers the gold standard for the following treatments:
PFB (Pseudofolliculitis Barbae, i.e. ingrown hairs, razor bumps or beard bumps) is an irritating condition that is commonly caused by shaving. It often appears in patients of darker skin types, including tanned skin and skin types IV through VI. The laser selectively targets melanin in the underlying hair and follicle, as well as hyperpigmentation surrounding the lesion. Due to LightPod lasers’ unique 650-microsecond pulse duration being 50 to 500 times shorter than pulses durations typically used for hair removal by other laser technologies, the energy passes through the skin quickly and does not overheat the epidermal melanin to effectively treat the condition.
Pigmented Lesions
Over time, your skin is affected by exposure to UV light, which can cause pigmentary changes on the surface of the skin. The result can be sun or age spots as well as freckles. Some skin is affected by pigmentary changes at birth, called nevi or birthmarks. Regardless of the pigmentary condition, the LightPod Neo can safely and effectively treat your pigmented lesion, resulting in an even and uniform skin tone.
The LightPod Neo is able to safely treat a broad range of visible blood vessels from angiomas and spider veins to large leg veins. The Neo delivers a pulse of laser energy, which will cause the blood within the vein to coagulate and destroy the vessel, which will absorbed by your body over several weeks to leave your skin looking rejuvenated and youthful. No matter what part of your body is affected, the LightPod Neo can safely and effectively take care of any unwanted veins.
Rosacea & Redness
Rosacea is a chronic disorder that is characterized by facial flushing and with time the gradual development of persistent facial redness and spider-like blood vessels. It is often punctuated by episodes of inflammatory papules (bumps), pustules (pimples), and swelling. Management for many people often includes avoidance of popular foods and alcohol as well as cosmetic camouflage, which can be expensive and time-consuming. Other diffuse redness including poikiloderma of civatte may be attributed by other factors such as exposure to UV rays and lifestyle, which can also be addressed by LightPod lasers. The laser light destroys visible blood vessels or reduces extensive redness. The LightPod Neo laser emits pulses of light that target tiny blood vessels just under the skin. Heat from the laser’s energy builds in the vessels, causing them to disintegrate.
Melasma is a very common patchy brown, tan, or blue-gray facial skin discoloration, primarily seen on the upper cheeks, lip, forehead and chin of women 20-50 years of age. Uncontrolled sunlight exposure is considered the leading cause of melasma, especially in individuals with a genetic predisposition to this condition. Melasma is most common among pregnant women, called Chloasma, especially those of Latin and Asian descents. People with olive or darker skin, such as Hispanic, Asian, and Middle Eastern individuals, have higher incidences of melasma. The LightPod Neo can safely and effectively treat pigmented areas, resulting in an even and uniform skin tone.
Skin Tightening/Rejuvenation
The LightPod Neo offers a uniquely noninvasive skin tightening/rejuvenation treatment to stimulate healthy collagen and restore your skin’s youthful appearance. This process will help firm healthy skin, get rid of any vasculature and spots as well as help fill in wrinkles without any patient downtime. Only a beam of laser light touches the skin for the most pleasant treatment available. Typically, several treatments spaced out over a 6-month period deliver remarkable results.
Acne is a common condition across both youths and adults characterized by sebaceous glands being obstructed by the p. acnes bacteria. This causes blemishes on the skin and can lead to scarring if not treated properly. Until recently, patients could only be treated by topical or oral medications. Now, the LightPod Neo laser can result in substantial improvement for the treatment of acne and acne scars. The laser’s energy effectively destroys the p. acne bacteria, while restoring collagen to damaged skin. The result is a significant clearance of active acne and visible acne scars.
Nail Fungus
Onychomycosis, or nail fungus, is an infection of the toenail in which the nail changes color, thickness and quality. In addition of causing an unhealthy appearance, it can cause pain and difficulty walking. Laser treatment for nail fungus is safe, quick and highly effective. Most patients are able to be clear of their infection with only one or two treatments. Laser procedures for nail fungus are proven to be a much safer and effective method as compared to oral medications or topical creams. One of the key aspects of eradicating nail fungus is to achieve penetration of the laser energy into the nail bed. This area needs significant heating to ensure the fungal material is destroyed, which requires a deep-heating and powerful laser. The LightPod Neo offers patients the ideal laser for such treatment. After the treatment, patients are able to resume their daily activities as normal. Results are not immediate, as it takes anywhere from 3-12 months for the new, non-infected nail to grow. It is recommended that patients follow this preventive care regiment to avoid reinfection:
- Apply an antifungal cream for 2 weeks following the procedure
- Always spray inside the shoes at the end of the day with an antifungal spray and avoid wearing the shoes for 2 days or use Steri-Shoe ultraviolet shoe sanitizers
- After 2 weeks, spray the feet or fingers with anti-fungal spray on an ongoing basis
- Change the sheets the 1st night after each treatment
- Cleanse the floor of the shower before next use with a cleanser that includes bleach
- Cleanse all nail instruments with bleach before using them again
- Throw out any nail polish previously used on the nails
- Exercise caution in public areas like hotel rooms and public showers.
LightPod Neo Features & Benefits
- A laser treatment via a modern laser such as this one results in a minimal risk of side effects such as overheating, burning, and hyperpigmentation or hyperpigmentation.
- The LightPod laser handpiece itself does not contact the skin during treatment, resulting in a safe, sanitary and non-invasive treatment.
- Use of the Neo guarantees that a patient will minimize the number of treatment sessions they need and the amount of time they spend in an office or clinic.
LightPod Neo Faq
Am I a good candidate for a LightPod procedure?
The Aerolase LightPod Neo® laser offers patients incredible results with quick, comfortable, no-downtime treatments for all skin tones and types. We use this laser to treat acne, as well as photo damage and skin rejuvenation/tightening. Aerolase is perfect for those who have struggled with clearing their acne by using traditional methods or medications.
What are the benefits of Aerolase laser and how does it work?
A highly powerful yet gentle beam of light superheats the sebaceous gland and its surroundings to effectively destroy the bacteria to leave your skin clean, smooth and acne free. The LightPod Neo also offers a uniquely noninvasive skin rejuvenation & tightening treatment to stimulate healthy collagen and restore your skin’s youthful appearance. Only a beam of laser light touches the skin for the most pleasant treatment available.
How many laser treatments will I need?
A series of treatments will be recommended depending on the condition of the skin. Treatments are spaced 1-4 weeks apart depending on aggressiveness of treatment plan.
What type of results will I see following a LightPod procedure?
Acne patients will see a reduction in frequency and severity of breakouts, as well as decrease in redness/irritation in the skin. When treating for skin rejuvenation, this treatment will help firm healthy skin, get rid of any vasculature and spots as well as help fill in wrinkles without any patient downtime.
Is there any downtime associated with a LightPod procedure?
There is minimal downtime associated with this procedure. Skin may appear slightly pink after, but makeup can be applied and normal activities can be resumed 24 hours after. If treating darker pigmented spots, spots may darken before fading or sloughing off.